Culture type Half-timbered house
Companies with the Half-timbered house culture type embody a balanced mix of tradition and modernity, reflected in a dynamic yet precise work approach. New proposals from employees are analytically reviewed and thoughtfully considered before implementation to ensure effective integration into existing processes.
These companies promote a high level of openness to and encouragement of innovative ideas. In problem-solving, the company combines a systematic approach with flexibility to support creative solutions. For major business decisions, the company follows an economic approach while simultaneously striving to make a positive societal impact and assume social responsibility. With temporal and spatial flexibility, employees can choose their working hours and locations.
The company places significant value on employees being passionate about their tasks and showing interest in the company's values. However, strong identification with the company culture is not a mandatory requirement for employment. Leaders support their teams in achieving high-quality results, encouraging strong opinions and unconventional ideas from employees, with teamwork being central to success. A feedback culture is regularly implemented on fixed cycles, complemented by additional coaching measures to enhance motivation and foster initiative. The work environment is characterized by a balanced mix of a familial yet traditional atmosphere. Employees feel valued for their professional competence. At team events, employees appreciate activities that foster creative idea generation, as well as a celebratory atmosphere that creates a positive environment for team spirit.