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Boost Your Home Office Satisfaction with These 3 Tips!

Remote work has become an integral part of the "new work" world. Whether you're a seasoned home office worker or just discovering it for the first time, this article will provide you with 3 tips for optimal home working, staying in touch with colleagues, and avoiding everyday distractions.

Tip 1: Choose the right workspace in your home office

Choosing the right working environment is crucial when working from home. To be successful, you must feel comfortable. Pay close attention to these factors:


Ensure that your workspace is as far away from noise and distractions as possible to maintain your concentration. Choose a spot in your home that you perceive as your office, and avoid high-traffic areas.


Daylight has a significant impact on mood and health, and your eyes depend on it. Make sure you have enough lighting in your workspace, and ideally, work in an area with plenty of natural light. Floor or table lamps can also help, and during the dark winter months, daylight lamps can improve your well-being.

Fresh air

Ensure that you have enough oxygen in your workspace. Ideally, you should work near a window that allows for regular fresh air. Taking short walks can also help improve your concentration.

Tip 2: Anti-procrastination techniques to increase productivity

The home office provides a different work environment than a traditional office. To be productive at home, you must establish clear rules. Here are some ways to increase your productivity:

Set fixed working hours and take breaks

Start your workday at a consistent time to make it easier to collaborate with your team and establish a work routine. It's equally important to plan your breaks. Many home office workers tend to take small, irregular breaks, which can lead to exhaustion. Take the time to rest and recharge your energy and concentration.

Separate work and private life

For focused and efficient work, it helps to clearly separate private and professional matters. This works both in terms of time and space. Here, you clearly separate your private activities and spaces from your working hours and workplace. This gives your work a certain "office feeling" without losing the advantages of the home office.

Communication & Meetings

Regular meetings are important both live and online. They not only strengthen the team feeling, but also facilitate communication and collaboration. To make meetings efficient for all participants, an agenda is particularly helpful. It gives the meeting a clear structure. According to the motto: The better organized, the more time you save!

Set a dress code

Get out of your pajamas & into your everyday clothes. When you get up and get ready for your home office workday, you're signaling to your brain that it's time to be productive. So changing your clothes can put you even more in the mood to work.

🤔 Did you know? Studies say 48.9% of home office respondents report high job satisfaction. For people who only work in an office, the percentage is 44.4%.

Tip 3: Stay social - maintain contact with colleagues

Most of our social interactions usually take place in the workplace. Whether it's a chance encounter in the hallway or a shared morning coffee in the office kitchen - how can we maintain contact with colleagues despite a home office?

Pre-Meeting Talk

Online meetings are usually more tightly scheduled. As soon as you join the meeting, it starts. This is definitely efficient for work - but interpersonal contact unfortunately quickly suffers as a result. Our tip: after consulting with colleagues, it is a good idea to go into the meeting a few minutes beforehand. This gives the team a short time for a chat. This improves the overall team dynamics and satisfaction.

Teams, Slack & Co.

Chat messages replace the chat in front of the coffee machine or in the hallway and enable a personal exchange between colleagues online. So regularly ask your team how they're doing, what their plans are for the weekend - or give your creativity free rein. Our tip: Memes always go down well.

Virtual meetings

Lunch break alone? No need - just meet up with colleagues online for a joint lunch break. Whether it's a video call or on the phone, virtual activities are a great way to stay in touch with colleagues.

Home office enhances satisfaction

Satisfaction in the home office depends on many factors and is highly personal. Working conditions play a crucial role, as does social contact with colleagues. When companies and employees collaborate to create a positive remote work environment, it increases employee satisfaction. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to weigh the benefits and challenges of remote work and decide if it's the right fit for their lifestyle and career goals.